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Brownfield Rehabilitation refers to the redevelopment of neighborhoods in economically depressed areas that have also experienced environmental impact. Brownfield cleanups provide numerous benefits from the federal, state and local governments including tax benefits, regulatory relief, and expedited site plan approvals. State and federal cleanup definitions typically require that certain standard-based soil and groundwater criteria be met; otherwise, the site is considered contaminated.

However, if a property is eligible for Brownfield Rehabilitation, the regulatory agencies will allow flexibility in the standards and consider a site to be clean if "risk-based criteria", agreed upon beforehand, are not exceeded. The adoption of risk-based criteria takes into account factors such as proposed land uses, impact on groundwater, and whether water is supplied by a regional utility. In addition to the relaxed criteria, there are federal, state and local tax breaks, limitation of liability, streamlined permit review, and other incentives associated with development in Brownfield areas. 

Environmental Worker

Empire Environmental can provide the logistical and administrative support to qualify properties for Brownfield Rehabilitation and assess and clean up those properties.

Brownfield Rehab

3206 SE Aster Ln R104
Stuart, Martin County 34994


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